Monday, September 6, 2010

I Smell Autumn in the Air . . .

I smell fall. . .
the scent of smoke
and harvest. . .
a riot of colors contesting
for first place
in a display of stunning beauty. . .
the fruits are ripe
and all living things prepare for the winter,

and the cycle of life
in its everlasting march
through eternity. . .

it is our place only
to stand in awe
of the remarkable splendor
of creation,
for we are the audience,
and this glory
can only enhance
our appreciation
of this ephemeral moment.


CŒDES Pierre-Marie said...

Simply beautiful expression !

Wolfsong said...

Thank you PM . . .

Van Syla said...

Thank you for reminding me that splendor is also to be found in the ephemeral. :)