Friday, July 26, 2013

i am alone . . .

                    I am alone where things are blurry . . .
                                            there is a line
                          I cannot cross . ..
                                     the will to kill the weary . . .
           the lust to drive a wedge
                                       . . .  I am alone
                             in this dream . . .
                                               a place I cannot fathom,
                                            and dark as a womb . .
                                 where nothing
                                                    but the heartbeat
                                   holds me . . .          
                                                     I am alone
                                    where songs are foolish
                                              of love and fear
                        and death . .
                                                 and flowers bloom
                                                 where no one has the vision
                                   or smells the sweetness
                                           of solitary discovery . . .
                            I am alone and
                                          my bones are broken
                              I weep but no tears do fall . . .
                                                      I am alone in spirit
                                      and function . . .
                                                               nothing is real . .
                                    but reality
                                               itself . . . . . 

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