Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Song Called Love . . .

  I love your heart . . .
the song you sing reminds me
that we are but fragments of the stars. . .
fragile dust which has filtered
through fire and storm
leaving us divided
and traumatized . . .
each one alone,
incomplete . . .
yet all somehow connected . . .
a long unbreakable thread

Look up and see your wings . . .
seize them from the eternal abyss . . .
and fly away . . .
along the road Forever . . .
find your joy in the smallest flower .  .
a tunnel to life where miniscule creatures
tremble beneath your eye . .. 
I believe your tears will melt the wax,
of feathers . . . so tenderly applied . .
so violently sundered . .
your eyes like rays of molten sunshine . . .
a gold which drifts away,
lost within the clouds dispersed
over a troubled sea . . .
your heartbeat will thrill
the mountains to the ground . .
your bones as white as snow . . .
frosty shards bite into the depths . .
hard is the pain . .

Look deep to find the dreams
of souls . . . the same flows
in fathomless swirling waters . . .
danger . . .
beware, for angels dare not tread here . . .
the song is from the human heart . .
to heal and build the thread
of life . ..  and death . . .
and hope . .. a complication which
seals forgiveness
within the marrow of the soul . . .
and calls it love . .. . 

Walter Mazzaccaro, "Sognandoti Ancora"

Opening with an OH-SO romantic piano . . . 

I immediately visualized a couple, 
with eyes only for each other  . . 
dining over candle-light . . . 
a dreamy atmosphere . . . 
a full heart-felt passion . . . .  
ahhhh . . . 
the music takes me to this place of love and romance .  .

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