Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What is this . .
a punishment?
Is this Hell on Earth for me?
Do I deserve this . . . perhaps . . .
I do
What are you doing to me . . .
are you a demon sent to tempt me
and then destroy this trembling beast?

A heartbeat throbs and echoes across the universe.. .. ..
a woe and
I stand here lost on empty shores . . .
looking for the tide to return to me
to see what it should bring
from the far reaches of time .. .. ..
a future,
a past,
and something else that gnaws at my
bones.. .. ..
and why the agony?
like letters sent through the fog
locked away in amber glass.. .. ..
and the doom
of an ancient tree
waving in the storm

quietly crashing around my head
while the tide slowly moves in
like blood,
flowing thickly at my feet.. .. ..
licking and lapping at my stricken feet,
I cannot move
I am lost and afraid
but I cannot flee

and thus my question
what is this nightmare?
and you have no answer . . .

and you 
lost in your Paradise
see no course
for me
and I see none for you.
