Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Loneliness Part II

Interior of Maison Henri IV; Cahors France

I walk through life
naked and alone,
full of unmet dreams,
unheard melodies.

I walk through life;
my thoughts divided,
my heart aching,
straining to see you,
to hear you . . . to know you. . .
there on the other-side,
you . . leaning in towards me . .
as we pass on our road,
a glance flickers . . .                            
                           eyes with tears . . .
a sad smile
 and yet a division
a barrier . . . restrains . . .
inhibits . . . rebukes a fullness
of intervention,
incomplete communion .. ..
that barrier
an insurmountable wall .  ..

my breath clouds the glass
as I look at you . ..
and you don't see me
through the darkness
you don't hear my voice
though I shout in agony,
distress . . . my sobs . . .
my song bouncing
back at my heart
to that bottomless hungry black pit
in my soul . . .

I walk through life
alone . . . within . . .
yet I am here,
and so are you . . .
why don't you see me,
why can't you hear?
Do I know you?

The poem was inspired by:

Detail in Maison Henri IV, Cahors France

I am always inspired by music . . .
whether sad or joyful,
I can always find myself moved
by music which
communicates to my soul
and makes me feel connected
with others
and there I do find
that I am not so alone
with my feelings and emotions . . . 
I find
that others share too . . .
and know me
and I know them  . . . .

Detail in Maison Henri IV, Cahors France

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