Monday, January 31, 2011

A Little Ambient from Yesterday . . .

Oregon Coast, Lincoln City - December 2010

This album takes you places . . . on flights of fancy and desire . . where gliding within the beautiful and mysterious melodious changes, we are swooping . . .. searching, the wind sketches dreams, and the heart sighs . . . as we fly through blue skies over cold shores and warm continents . . searching, searching . .. the music creating beauty . . like a rebirth . . . like a sun rise in a lonely dark morning . . .and in the edges of that light, spreading like a wine stain . .. we see the margin of hope . . . and it grows in us. . . . and we fly with the music and that light . . . because we can . . .

For: "different places - similar moods" by vvs - music, design & more

Many of these sweetly beautiful songs had a slight celtic, ambient flavor . . . the quiet piano, flute and other instruments were the strength beneath my wings . . .giving me an uplifted and light feeling . . . lifting my mood and capturing my interest.

I thought that "Presentiment Of a Storm" was very unique in experimental nature and was more interesting than beautiful.

I don't know what that tender whistling sound was in "Traces of Sand (-)" but it brought the tears to my eyes . . . maybe it was the sweet and tender melody . . ..or the soul of the musician . . .maybe it was an angel . . .flying by . . .

This album whispered a story to me of being on an island . . . far out in a sunny sea, the music fluid and filling my soul and heart with the comfort I needed as I listened . . .. I think this is my album for the day . . .. for me . .. .

for me . . .

For: "The Seagull" by Vitaliy Baldych


Sadly . ..  Dom Brandt removed all his albums . . .  so there is a blank here where once there was music. . . .


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