Saturday, January 22, 2011


Review for: "It hurts" by stefano mocini

Piano . . .  somehow moves me more than any other musical instrument . . . the raw feeling that can be expressed and the diversity of emotion that can be poured out of  its percussive ends . . . is simply endless . . .

This particular piece is so very touching and poignant . . .so much heart that beats through and reaches out to the listener . . . the soul, the spirit that sings from each resonating note as they rise and fall, does so fluidly like the blood that flows through the living being . . . . pouring through . . . giving meaning to each second as I listen. . . feeling that life that pulses in the musician and the listener . . . both. . .  and then . . .  there . . . there is healing in this music . . . a deep spiritual healing . . .


The most destructive disease of all
is bitterness and anger. . .
a cancer to the soul. . . .
a destroyer of spirit
and joy . . .

as necessary as
food and water. . . .
is to life . . . 
 forgiveness is
to the soul. . .

a moment of rebirth is had
when one heart reaches out
and is able to forgive . . .
injustice  . . . 

we all have committed such
hurt on others
we are all so capable . . .
but forgiveness is
to the soul that hurts 

like a balm from the heavens . . . 
cool and soothing on that raw
pain . . . . 
like a miracle it smooths
the harsh edges of 
this hard world . . .
it gives the forgiver
a fullness in life again . . .


"Forgiving" is my most difficult challenge in life. And in my opinion one of the most profound mysteries of life . . . to forgive and be forgiven.....When someone does something outrageous against me, such as a few years ago when my neighbors chopped down 20+ trees on my property as I was away at work . . . my anger frightened even me . . . and I found that my need to pursue the ability to forgive was paramount and necessary for my inner health.  I found that forgiving is separate from trust and obviously trust is another issue . . . but forgiveness is given freely . . . whereas trust is earned. 


CŒDES Pierre-Marie said...

Forgiving = understanding of what is going on, what people are, is the only way to restore peace in us, because not forgiving = hatred, is like a poison that kills us.
But, understanding does not mean you necessarily have to accept the evil people do to you.
Forgiving as a social gesture does not mean much and has no value when the people who did wrong to you do not realize what they've done - the "sorry", "excuse me" is not enough, it has no value. They ought to say, to be truthful : I did wrong to you, I am aware of it, I will try not to do it again. The expression of regrets is what that matters.

Now, the trust. . . no one is perfect, none of us, an we can betray so foolishly, so fast, in total unconsciousness. . . If it is an accident, you can understand, if it gets a habit, you keep away.

The only thing that matters, in to keep that precious peace within ourselves.


Wolfsong said...

Thank you, PM, for your comment. You really had a lot of thoughtful things to say.

I just find that inner forgiveness hard but possible and it boils down to understanding the human dilemma . . .

- M^^W -

Anonymous said...

Forgiving is always a challenge but must also be an act of contrition, otherwise, we risk to turn our own anger into something unforgivable onto others but mostly onto ourselves.

Though, speaking is easy... for someone whose heart ends, just where the mouth begins...

... love you.

Wolfsong said...

Thank you Carlos for your interesting comment . . .

I think of forgiveness as an astonishing power within yourself when you are able to accomplish that . . .healing and loving .. . to yourself and also to the recipient of your forgiveness . . .IF they receive it . . .

I think it is also very important to learn to forgive ourselves . . . but then we must be able to see ourselves and our faults clearly . . .and with understanding . .

Its funny . . . a few years ago I did a long search and study of "forgiveness," mostly in regards to the tree cutting incident because it was so outrageous . . . and I realized that it is never an easy subject . . . but something so deeply spiritual and metaphysical that it is almost impossible to get a firm grasp of understanding . . . so my search for the real meaning and understanding of forgiveness is still going on . . .